Direct sale

Talla oriental antigua de madera. Antique wooden oriental statue.

20% off! until Sunday, February 23

Shipping from 16,46€
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Number of items: 1

Condition of the lot: Normal (with signs of use)
Tratado con éxito contra la polillas. Treated with success against woodworm.

Excepcional talla oriental antigua de madera, decorado con telas, cuerda y barba y bigotes de pelo natural de original animal. Alto: 68 cm, diámetro de la parte de abajo: 17 cm.

Excepcional antique wooden oriental statue, decorated with material, cord and the mustache and beard is of natural hair of animal origin. High: 68 cm, diameter of bottom part: 17 cm.

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From 07/04/2015
Spain (Málaga)
Seller registered as a professional.