Direct sale

Dr. Saimbraum - TRATADO POPULAR DE MEDICINA. Anatomía-Fisiología-Higiene-Terapéutica.

Shipping from 4,50€

Number of items: 1

Condition of the lot: Normal (with signs of use)

Autor: Dr. Saimbraum
Editorial: -
Encuadernación: Paperback

Ed. Hymsa. Barcelona. 1935. 840 pág. Ilust. b/n. + 12 láminas b/n. y color. 17x24. Enc. de la Edit. (Medicina).
Alvacal, Association of Old and Antiquarian Booksellers of Castile and León Alvacal, Association of Old and Antiquarian Booksellers of Castile and León
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From 05/11/2013
Spain (León)
Seller registered as a professional.

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