Pricing Guide Pricing Guide - Guide of sold lots

Sold on 24/01/2025


0,85 €

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Lot information

Sale modality: Direct Sale

Condition of the lot: Normal (with signs of use)

Section: Antique comics from the publisher Garbo




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El estado del Comics esta reflejado en la foto. VAMPUS, FANTOM, ESCALOFRIO, ESPE

CTROS. VAMPIRE TALES, MONSTERS. Comic, Panini, forum, Totem, toutain, Marvel, dc, manga, planeta, vértigo, ecc, Marvel saga, 100% Marvel, integral, thanos, Marvel gold, omnigold, ómnibus, Marvel hc, Marvel héroes, Marvel now Deluxe, Marvel Deluxe, Marvel limited edition, MLE, colección 100%, novelas graficas, tebeos, Novaro, Vértice, Clásicos DC, Clásicos Marvel, Zinco, Superman, Spiderman, The Uncanny X-Men, la Patrulla X, Campeones, Inhumanos, Conan, Daredevil, Avengers, Vengadores, capitán america, Batman, Liga de la Justicia, jabato, el capitan trueno, mortadelo, ddt, tiovivo, tio vivo, super humor, mortadelo gigante

Spider-Man, Spiderman, Wolverine, Lobezno, Doctor Octopus, The Thing, Magneto, Blade, Silver Surfer, Duende Verde, Capitán América, Doctor Doom, Jean Grey, Iron Man, Daredevil, Tormenta, Thor, La Bestia, Elektra, The Antorcha Humana, El Castigador, Gato Negro, Capitán Gran Bretaña, El Motorista Fantasma, Kraven el Cazador, Mephisto, Cíclope, Ultrón, Sandman, Señor Fantástico, Pícaro, Pantera Negra, Ángel, Veneno, Hombre de Hielo, Cráneo Rojo, Gambito, Namor, Loki, She-Hulk, Mystique, Doctor Strange, Mujer Invisible, Nightcrawler, Medusa, Iron Fist, Shadowcat con Lockheed, Captain Marvel, Emma Frost, The Vision, Bullseye, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, The Lizard, Polaris, Nova, Scarlet Witch, Deadpool , Mysterio, Yellowjacket, Luke Cage, Super Skrull, Spider-Woman, Electro, Cable, Dormammu, Black Bolt, Psylocke, The Vulture, Hercules, The Leader, Carnage, Quicksilver, Black Widow, Kang, Havok, Falcon with Redwing, Ms Marvel, The Sentry, Crystal, Wonder Man, Mister Sinister, Mole Man, Moon Knight, Deathlok, Sabretooth, Winter Soldier, Scorpion, Lady Deathstrike, Absorbing Man, Guardian, Adam Warlock, Shocker, Bishop, Valkyrie, Mandarin, Impossible Man. , Nighthawk, Blink, Gladiador, Morbius el Vampiro Viviente, Banshee, Máquina de Guerra, Hobgoblin, Barón Zemo, Taskmaster, Doc Samson, Madrox el Hombre Múltiple, Union Jack, Hombre Lobo, Ikaris, Hombre Máquina, Shang-Chi, Caballero Negro , Hellcat, Viper, Dazzler, Chameleon, X, Tigra, Yocasta, Jubilee, Jack of Hearts, Crimson Dynamo, Enchantress, Gladiator, Sunfire, Titania, Gorgon, X-Man, Ant-Man, Klaw, Grim Reaper, Annihilus, Drax el Destructor, Hijo de Satán, Noma, Snowbird, Avispa, Batroc el Saltador, Araña Escarlata, Beta Ray Bill, Pyro, Silver Sable, Hombre Radioactivo, María Tifoidea, Chica Marvel, Quasar, Merodeador, Estrella de Fuego, Bala de Cañón, Tritón, Ares, Destino, Balder, Wrecker, Songbird, Toad, Moondragon, Espiral, Siryn, Blackheart, Puppet Master, Karnak, Hydro-Man, Captain Marvel, Spectrum, Magik, Beetle, Shanna the She-Devil, Forge, Wizard, Thunderbird, Drácula, Avalancha, Aracne, Sinsonte, Tiburón tigre, Nico Minoru, Domino, Sif, J. Jonah Jameson, Sebastian Shaw, Espadachín, Búho, Tiburón martillo, Tiro largo, Trampa, Chamán, Hombre lobo de noche, Gamora, Vance Astro, Constrictor, Acónito, Mantarraya , Piedra lunar, Danielle Moonstar, Señor del fuego, Spider-Man, Wiccan, Deathbird, Hela

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