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Yate para estanques marca Star Yacht de Birkenhead. Pond yacht by Star Yacht from Birkenhead.

Shipping from 6,68€
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Number of items: 1

Condition of the lot: Normal (with signs of use)

Un yate para estanques marca Staryacht de Birkenhead, marca británica dedicado a la fabricación de yates de juguetes desde 1.922 hasta 1.990. Medidas: largo 28.5 cm, ancho 8 cm y alto desde la quilla hasta el mástil 39 cm.

A pond yacht by StarYachts Birkenhead, British brand dedicated to making toy yachts from 1.922 until 1.990. Measurements: long 28.5 cm x wide 8 cm and high from keel to top of the mast 39 cm.

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From 07/04/2015
Spain (Málaga)
Seller registered as a professional.