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Wilhelm Klemm / Anorganische Chemie / Walter de Gruyter 1938

Number of items: 1

Condition of the lot: Normal (with signs of use)
Canto encuadernacion lomo deshilachado

Dr. Wilhelm Klemm / Anorganische Chemie

Samlung Göschen Band 37

Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berlin 1938

Encuad. tela edit., 175 págs. con 18 fig. entre texto 10.5 x 16

Gastos de envío / Kostenloser versand:

España: 2,80 €. (C. Ordinario) / 6,70 €. (C. Certificado) EU: 6.90 €.

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From 02/11/2002
Spain (Illes Balears)
Seller registered as a private person.