
5150-raros sellos locales Oviedo Asturias España guerra civil,fiscales?. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Start price: 12,75 €

This auction ends in Ends 5d 7h 6m

Ends on: December 11, 2024 7:37:00 PM CET

Start price: 12,75 €

Number of items: 1

Condition of the lot: Normal (with signs of use)

Enter a valid amount higher than the minimum bid of 12,75 €
( Minimum bid of 12,75 € )

5150-raros sellos locales Oviedo Asturias España guerra civil,fiscales?.
-odd local labels Oviedo Asturias Spain civil war, tax ?.
Étiquettes locales odd Oviedo Asturies en Espagne la guerre civile, la taxe?.
-odd lokalen Labels Oviedo Asturias Spanien Bürgerkrieg, Steuer?.

This auction ends in Ends 5d 7h 6m

avatar filateliaimperial65
From 26/05/2003
Spain (Murcia)
Seller registered as a professional.