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Feroe 1984 Ivert 87/90 *** Bancos de la Iglesia de Kirkjobour (II) - Escultura y Religión

20% off! until Sunday, February 16

Number of items: 4

Condition of the lot: Very Good (new or like new, without any signs of use)

avatar amelguizoser
From 12/03/2005
Spain (Madrid)
Seller registered as a private person.

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Vaticano 2015 Ivert 1707/8 *** Papas Pio XII y Francisco
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Vaticano 2015 Ivert 1707/8 *** Papas Pio XII y Francisco

4,00 € 5,00 €
Next Monday last day
Santa Lucia 1970 Ivert 273/5 *** Pascua - Pintura Religiosa
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Santa Lucia 1970 Ivert 273/5 *** Pascua - Pintura Religiosa

2,40 € 3,00 €
until Thursday, February 20
Antigua 1973 Ivert 295/7 *** La Pascua - Vidrieras de la Catedral de Sant Johns
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Antigua 1973 Ivert 295/7 *** La Pascua - Vidrieras de la Catedral de Sant Johns

1,13 € 1,26 €
until Friday, February 14
Barbuda 1970 Ivert 79/81 *** Pascua - Pintura Religiosa
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Barbuda 1970 Ivert 79/81 *** Pascua - Pintura Religiosa

1,35 € 1,50 €
Today last day!
Rwanda 1975 Ivert 627/34 *** Año Santo - Papas - Religión
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Rwanda 1975 Ivert 627/34 *** Año Santo - Papas - Religión

2,60 € 3,25 €
until Saturday, February 15
Anguilla 1975 Ivert 179/84 *** Pascua - El Retablo de Issenheim de Mathias Grunewald
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Anguilla 1975 Ivert 179/84 *** Pascua - El Retablo de Issenheim de Mathias Grunewald

2,00 € 2,50 €
until Monday, February 17
Anguilla 1975 Ivert 192/7 *** Navidad - Pintura Religiosa
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Anguilla 1975 Ivert 192/7 *** Navidad - Pintura Religiosa

2,00 € 2,50 €
Next Tuesday last day

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