Moneda 5 centesimi 1915 Vittorio Emanuele lll
Coins of Europe
narcis_gabriel2 (9.344)
From 1 to 30
Coins of Europe
narcis_gabriel2 (9.344)
Coins of Europe
narcis_gabriel2 (9.344)
Coins of Europe
narcis_gabriel2 (9.344)
Coins of Europe
Tenique (209)
Coins of Europe
pmg19051977 (6.812)
Coins of Europe
pmg19051977 (6.812)
Coins of Europe
pmg19051977 (6.812)
Coins of Europe
pmg19051977 (6.812)
Coins of Europe
pmg19051977 (6.812)
Coins of Europe
pmg19051977 (6.812)
Coins of Europe
pacomadruga (1.789)
Coins of Europe
gimega1952 (22.891)
Coins of Europe
gimega1952 (22.891)
Coins of Europe
gimega1952 (22.891)
Coins of Europe
numiscorner (1.895)
Coins of Europe
lluna-cacna1g (1.511)
Coins of Europe
lluna-cacna1g (1.511)