Libreria Sanchez

libros y articulos de coleccionismo de papel
libros y articulos de coleccionismo de papel
Somos una libreria de mas de 60 años de antigüedad, especializados en la compra-venta de libros, tebeos, comics, postales, carteles....
Pertenecemos al Gremi de Llibreters de Vell de Catalunya y al Gremio de Libreros de Madrid y AILA
Todos los domingos, podrán encontrarnos en el Mercado de San Antonio, calle Manso
You can contact us at the email address:
You can also contact us at:
Telefono: 934584980-618090363
Todos los domingos en el Mercado de San Antonio, calle Manso
Shipping from: Spain (Barcelona)
International shipping: Yes
Delivery details: Los pedidos se servirán por agencia gls con entrega a domicilio. Gastos de envio: -Los gastos de envio PREVIO PAGO mediante transferencia bancaria, BIZUM o visa: -Peninsula: hasta 1 kilo 4.90 euros -Peninsula: de 1-3 kilos 5.83 euros -Baleares: hasta 1 kilo 8.41 euros -Baleares: de 1-3 kilos 13,65 euros PARA ENVIOS A CANARIAS O EXTRANJERO, CONSULTAR
Estimated time of delivery: 3-5
Payment methods admitted by the seller:
Second-Hand Books (after 1936) - Literature - Narrative - Other Narrative Books
Antique, Rare and Curious Books (until 1936) - Literature - Essay
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - Religion
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - Literature - Other Literature
Antique, Rare and Curious Books (until 1936) - Literature - Poetry
Collectible Paper - Stickers and Sticker Albums - Complete Sticker Albums
Unclassified Books
Antique, Rare and Curious Books (until 1936) - Literature - Poetry
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - Biographies
Unclassified Books
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - History - Other History Books
Second-Hand Books (after 1936) - Literature - Poetry
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - History - Other History Books
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - Literature - Other Literature
Second-Hand Books (after 1936) - Literature - Narrative - Other Narrative Books
Unclassified Books
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - History - Other History Books
Antique, Rare and Curious Books - Children's and Young Adult's Literature - Fairy Tales
Libros y todo lo relacionado en coleccionismo de papel (tebeos, postales, cromos, carteles....)